How to improve employee engagement

A 2017 study from totaljobs shows that 28% of employers are having trouble engaging their workforce.

Employees who aren’t engaged lack enthusiasm and are no longer company ambassadors.

So how can you make sure your employees are fully engaged?

Employee feedback

Employee feedback can assure employees that you are taking an interest in their needs.

22% of companys survey employees quarterly or more often, 79% survey employees annually or less and 14% never survey employees at all. But you need to be paying attention to what your employees want and what they are doing on a daily basis, how can you make their life easier whilst improving your productivity and engagement?

By putting an emphasis on creating insights, Managers can better understand what motivates their staff and what makes them engage.

But it doesn’t stop after the surveys have been completed, you need to share the results with your employees and implement change as a result, otherwise they will be less willing to help in the future.

The working environment

Following employee feedback listen to what your employees want in their office.

Cultural differences need to be addressed, especially with International companies as different cultures will require adjusted engagement programs tailored to their employees.

Some popular working environment choices include natural lighting, improved break out areas and art or bright imagery on the walls.

Training opportunities

Repeating the same task every day without the stimulation of new initiatives will disengage your employees therefore career and skills progression will motivate employees and encourage them to aim towards future goals.

Employees expect continuous learning and new performance management practices to facilitate regular discussions about capabilities and skills, helping employees to learn where to focus and what to adopt.


Giving employees the opportunity to get to know their colleagues outside of the work environment is one of the most important elements to keeping employees satisfied and engaged. 54% of employers said that strong work relationships improve company culture and 70% of employers say friendships are good for morale and it’s positive to see team members in close relationships.

However, 34% of employees don’t think they have enough interaction with their colleagues .

Recognition and Incentives

Introducing a healthy element of competition into your culture can encourage productivity.

By creating a culture of recognition you introduce healthy competition, frequent and genuine praise can go a long way and mean a lot to your employees.

To learn more, take a look at these employee engagement statistics.
