Why does the language you use in job ads matter?

Why data science can’t fix tech recruitment’s biggest problem

9 Questions We’re Frequently Asked About Recruitment Marketing

Why recruiting new talent can secure business longevity

Questions you should ask to help you master executive hiring

What do the Budget announcements mean for recruitment in 2021?

Is Hiring for Cultural Fit the Secret to Winning the War on Tech Talent?

Our guide to recruiting remotely as restrictions ease

How to plan for future tech hires when you can’t forecast

Ask our experts: What impact has COVID had on tech recruitment?

Why does the language you use in job ads matter?

In a candidate-driven market, tech employers cannot afford to lose quality candidates at the application stage simply because they used jargon or biased language. Therefore, getting the language right in your job adverts could be a vital part of ensuring you attract suitable tech candidates.

Why data science can’t fix tech recruitment’s biggest problem

Data science and machine learning are taking over almost every industry you can imagine. We’re finding ways to automate processes, and machines really are coming for a lot of our jobs. In many industries, data science is being hailed as the future of work and the secret to revolutionising how employees manage their daily tasks; […]

9 Questions We’re Frequently Asked About Recruitment Marketing

We specialise in recruitment marketing campaigns. Whether it’s helping scaling companies raise their employer brand amongst tech candidates or using social media and digital platforms to generate leads, recruitment marketing is one of the things we do best. Candidates, whatever the industry, are likely to spend a lot of time online. Let’s face it, we […]

Why recruiting new talent can secure business longevity

To guarantee a healthy and lengthy life for your business, boosting the business with cash injections and regular income can enable you to keep on top of essential payments, stock replenishment and service maintenance. Setting finances aside and following an effective tech recruitment strategy can help boost company performance and establish a strong business identity, […]

Questions you should ask to help you master executive hiring

Hiring executives and senior staff is no mean feat. It’s a challenge that both scaling businesses and more prominent names will have to undertake at a certain point, yet hiring senior-level team members can alter the company’s dynamic from how teams are managed to the company culture. With scaling businesses, senior hires have a lot […]

What do the Budget announcements mean for recruitment in 2021?

With unemployment rising, getting individuals – and importantly, keeping individuals – in work is vital when it comes to stimulating and stabilising the economy as we emerge out of the Covid-19 crisis. This issue was confronted head on when Rishi Sunak took to the podium earlier this month to deliver the 2021 Budget and announced […]

Is Hiring for Cultural Fit the Secret to Winning the War on Tech Talent?

When it comes to recruiting tech talent, candidates currently have a huge upper hand. Unlike the rest of the tech recruitment landscape, there are more candidates than available positions. There are presently seven tech jobs for every suitable applicant. It’s a candidate-driven market. For scaling tech businesses, the competition for tech talent is huge. They […]

Our guide to recruiting remotely as restrictions ease

With more than half of UK firms announcing plans to hire new staff in the next three months, the tech recruitment landscape feels like a much more positive place to be. Hiring is picking up again, especially within the tech sector, where roles are being seen as essential for business continuity and progression. However, with […]

How to plan for future tech hires when you can’t forecast

Over the last few years your business may have had to adapt and the future may look completely different from what you previously envisioned in a five-year plan. However, right now, it feels like we’re living in some sort of Groundhog Day. We’re facing yet another lockdown, and plans for the future once again have […]

Ask our experts: What impact has COVID had on tech recruitment?

The last 12 months have seen many changes worldwide, and the tech recruitment industry is no exception. In some instances, we saw changes to the recruitment industry that spanned over a range of sectors and roles, but in other cases, the tech recruitment landscape was divided into two. On the one hand, for some companies […]
