How is the DEI landscape changing in 2025?

Your RPO provider must reflect your commitment to DE&I.

How important is it to build your employer brand today?

Talent mapping

Employee Value Proposition

Talent Attraction

Internal Recruitment

Neurodiversity in the workplace

Employer Brand

Recruitment marketing

How is the DEI landscape changing in 2025?

We tend to focus our behaviors and activities wherever we live to align with the calendar. Here in the US, beyond Black Friday, Thanksgiving now kicks off the campaigning of Giving Tuesday. If you are on your phone or computer, you can’t help but notice the message to give during the holidays. There are ads, emails, letters, […]

Your RPO provider must reflect your commitment to DE&I.

Your RPO provider needs to build better solutions, rather than just bolting on more services. Introduction Questions around Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging are at the heart of how organisations are evolving. Post-covid, in the era of remote and hybrid-working, organisations are more likely to be recruiting diverse candidates from a more diverse field – […]

How important is it to build your employer brand today?

The answer of building an employer brand is more important than ever, and here’s why: Globally, the talent market is in a unique situation. Companies are continuing to streamline their internal teams, embrace outsourcing and navigate the realities of a gig economy. There are pockets of talent ready to work – but they can’t find […]

Talent mapping

What is it? Put simply, Talent Mapping is a continuous process of determining a company’s hiring needs. It considers the company goals short-term and long-term, and analyses how well set up you are to achieve them. Talent Mapping can identify the need for new roles, changes to existing roles and progression for current employees. It […]

Employee Value Proposition

In a previous blog post, we defined Employee Value Proposition (EVP) as ‘the sum of all the things an employer offers to attract or retain talent.’ We explained that it’s more than the typical benefits of a position like salary, bonus, perks etc. This time, we’re going to learn how EVPs help a business, what […]

Talent Attraction

What is Talent Attraction? Talent attraction is the ability of a business to attract the right talent to the business. There are a number of methods that companies use to achieve this. Below are some examples of the tools you can use to improve your ability to attract the best talent. EVP Employee Value Proposition […]

Internal Recruitment

What does internal recruitment mean? Internal recruitment is where a company hires from within their existing team for a new position. This could be a promotion or offering people from other teams or departments the opportunity to fill the position. Advantages: There are many reasons a company could choose to promote from within. Sometimes it’s […]

Neurodiversity in the workplace

What is neurodiversity? The word neurodiversity was coined by sociologist, Judy Singer. “Neurodiversity refers to the virtually infinite neuro-cognitive variability within Earth’s human population. It points to the fact that every human has a unique nervous system with a unique combination of abilities and needs.” Neurodiversity is most associated with autism, though the term includes […]

Employer Brand

All companies have a reputation. It can be good or bad, but it’s something you can’t escape as a business. How does your reputation get developed and what can you do to change it? Two things that contribute to any company’s reputation are Employer Brand and your company brand. How is your company brand different […]

Recruitment marketing

Marketing is a significant piece of the recruitment puzzle. But what does it entail, when and why do you need to use it and how can it help with attracting and retaining talent? Why do you need to use marketing in your recruitment? Similar to any product or service, recruitment needs to make extensive use […]
