Your RPO provider must reflect your commitment to DE&I.

Inclusive Team: How to Attract Diverse Talents to Your Team

Navigating Senior Hires: Making Executive Hiring Less Exclusive

More than words: how can you make D&I a genuine part of your 2022 recruitment strategy?

Inclusive Recruitment Marketing: Searching For Diverse Candidates in a Competitive Market

How scaling companies can nurture female employees

Removing Unconscious Bias from your Recruitment Process

What Is Antisemitism, and How Can Workplaces Avoid It?

Attracting and Retaining Top Talent in the New Normal

Can Remote Working Solve the Diversity Problem?

Your RPO provider must reflect your commitment to DE&I.

Your RPO provider needs to build better solutions, rather than just bolting on more services. Introduction Questions around Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging are at the heart of how organisations are evolving. Post-covid, in the era of remote and hybrid-working, organisations are more likely to be recruiting diverse candidates from a more diverse field – […]

Inclusive Team: How to Attract Diverse Talents to Your Team

Having a diverse team is almost a necessity for every organization that is focused on growth. Besides being a way of fulfilling the law in some countries, a diverse team is a valuable asset that any organization can leverage. Bringing in people who have different perspectives results in increased creativity and innovation. Decision-making and problem […]

Navigating Senior Hires: Making Executive Hiring Less Exclusive

Executive hiring isn’t the same as advertising for a typical role. These senior-level positions aren’t always advertised on job boards for anyone to apply to. Instead, they rely on outreach and direct sourcing. This is why many founders turn to existing networks and people they trust to fill senior roles. You can’t blame them for looking into inner circles as the position is so crucial to the future of the business. However, this can cause a lot of problems. Relying on the hinges of existing networks can lead to middle-aged white men playing musical chairs in senior roles while other candidates don’t get a look in.
Now CEOs and executives are claiming to prioritise diversity and inclusion within their businesses. As we all come to realise the critical value diversity can bring to organisations, teams and roles, many more businesses are beginning to make a conscious effort to diversity. However, to make this a reality in all company areas, it’s widely stated that you need to start with the c-suite.

More than words: how can you make D&I a genuine part of your 2022 recruitment strategy?

Diversity and inclusion are two words that we hear a lot in the world of recruitment. However, when the market is so competitive, and all businesses are fighting for tech talent, do diversity efforts remain a priority or is it just about filling the roles and business continuity?

In 2020, we all wanted to prioritise diversity and inclusion, but then, no one could have predicted the challenging talent market we now have. Candidates hold a lot of the power and have their choice of employers; diverse candidates like female developers are even more in demand and therefore have even more options at their disposal. When you need to recruit a large number of roles quickly in such a fierce market, your D&I efforts likely fall by the wayside, and hiring managers maintain that this is a promise they will pick up again when things are calmer and attracting talent is easier.

However, the market isn’t slowing down, and more importantly, candidates have come to expect diverse organisations; non-inclusive companies will struggle to attract talent in this new era of work.

So, how can organisations ensure that D&I is a real part of their 2022 recruitment strategy and pave the way for more diverse hires in the future?

How scaling companies can nurture female employees

We’re in the middle of a tech skills shortage which is deeply impacting tech recruitment. Across the world, employers ranging from tech startups and scaleups to larger, established names are fighting for the brightest tech talent on the market to help them embrace the demands of the digital era. Everyone is currently fighting for the […]

Removing Unconscious Bias from your Recruitment Process

Unconscious bias is a talking point right now. This year, there’s been an enormous shift in all walks of life to address discrimination; with global protests and a rise in activism for many causes. Following the Black Lives Matter protests across the world it was suggested that MPs in the UK Government should take a […]

What Is Antisemitism, and How Can Workplaces Avoid It?

Antisemitism is once again dominating the news. Recently, Twitter was criticised for not acting quickly enough when UK grime artist Wiley posted a series of anti-Semitic tweets. The social media platform had to make a public apology after waiting six days to ban the artist from their website permanently. However, this is not the first time that […]

Attracting and Retaining Top Talent in the New Normal

Our Senior VP of North America Jody Robie recently hosted a webinar with BABCNE and Rick McKenna Founder of My Things App which will be launching in August to discuss the challenges businesses will face attracting and retaining talent in the new normal. The British American Business Council of New England fosters business development and […]

Can Remote Working Solve the Diversity Problem?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few months, you’ll be very aware that for those of us that can, remote working is likely to be the future of our work. If all we need to get the job done is an internet connection, computer and phone, many of us can work […]
