Why the interview process is so vital to a scaling business and how to improve it

The rise in the one-way job interview and it’s impact on candidate experience

How to prepare for a video interview: the candidate edition

Interviewing During a Lockdown – Your Guide to Video Interviewing

7 Steps to Crafting the Perfect Candidate Experience for Developers

Interviews: Which questions should you be asking?

Interviews: Structured, unstructured or semi-structured?

Interviews: Techniques to get the best from a candidate

Why the interview process is so vital to a scaling business and how to improve it

When you’re trying to scale, your senior teams don’t have time to interview candidates constantly. They have other priorities. If your interview process isn’t up to scratch, you may find yourself in a cycle of candidates dropping out halfway through and restarting the hiring process all over again.

In a candidate-driven market, you also need to leverage the interview process to show what’s great about your business. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that every candidate you interview is desperate to work for you; you’re just one option of many in the current market. Instead, think about how you can sell yourself to the candidates. Perfecting your interview process creates consistency within the candidate experience, helping to get your employer brand message across. As a scaling business without reputation and name to fall back on, employer brand is everything and will make the difference for candidates. And when it comes to employer branding, consistency and authenticity are key.

How to prepare for a video interview: the candidate edition

2020 has been a lot of things, but in the world of recruitment, it’s become the year of the video interview. While we’re all getting pretty used to talking to colleagues, family and friends over video conferencing, video interviews can be a completely different experience to face-to-face job interviews. As remote working becomes more familiar, […]

Interviewing During a Lockdown – Your Guide to Video Interviewing

Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus, recruiters have seen a 67% spike in video interviews. It makes sense; video interviews reduce the time to commute and limit exposure to the public which is crucial during a pandemic. Now we’re facing a lockdown many of us have no choice but to communicate via video for office communications […]

7 Steps to Crafting the Perfect Candidate Experience for Developers

When it comes to hiring tech talent, it’s very easy to get bogged down in the technicalities (literally!). With so many required skills and abilities of critical importance to a developer’s role, many companies dwell on finding the best of the best without worrying about how the candidates perceive them or whether or not job […]

Interviews: Which questions should you be asking?

What information do you need to hear? So, you’ve invested heavily in your employer brand. Your marketing and social media strategies are attracting the candidates you want. Now, it’s interview time. However, they are also interviewing you. This is a two-way street. While you need to find out if they are the right candidate for […]

Interviews: Structured, unstructured or semi-structured?

No matter your method, the candidate should always come first In our previous blog in this interview series, we discussed the difference between competency-based and emotional intelligence interviews. In this blog, we’ll be discussing the difference between structured and unstructured job interviews, and how you can utilise both. Interviews are not just a process during […]

Interviews: Techniques to get the best from a candidate

How the right approach to interviews can help your business attract and retain talent There is no single best way to interview a candidate. Ultimately, all the factors that come together depend on who is conducting the interview, who is being interviewed, and what the job role is. Preferences are entirely subjective. However, there are […]
