Why agility is critical to any RPO strategy.

Is your Contingent Managed Service Provider going the extra mile?

Building resilience into your recruitment strategy

Could your contingent workforce grow too quickly?

Why employer branding should be part of your RPO.

How important is it to build your employer brand today?

Next-generation MSPs can transform talent management.

Why you should be considering outsourcing recruitment.

How are we minimising the candidate drop-off rate?

How are we implementing AI in recruitment?

Why agility is critical to any RPO strategy.

Does your RPO strategy have what it takes to adapt? Introduction ‘Agility’ is one of those words that gets used lot in recruitment. It’s right up there with ‘dynamic and ‘innovative’. But when so many talent solutions providers are claiming to be ‘agile’, what does it really mean? And how can you tell whether agility […]

Is your Contingent Managed Service Provider going the extra mile?

One of the challenges of working with a Contingent Managed Service Provider is keeping in tune with what is happening with the rest of the market. With a long-term contract, it can be difficult to see beyond the horizon. Additionally, you may struggle to feel assured that your Managed Service Provider is taking you on […]

Building resilience into your recruitment strategy

Partnering with an RPO that adapts is the first step to a successful recruitment strategy. Introduction Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) is undergoing a significant transformation. It is being driven by a combination of market forces, technological advancements, and changing workforce dynamics. As these dynamic changes are occurring, organisations must adapt. RPOs are evolving to meet […]

Could your contingent workforce grow too quickly?

Accelerating the growth of your contingent workforce can put company culture at risk. Introduction Increasingly, talent acquisition teams are making contingent workers a core part of their resourcing strategies. There is, quite rightly, a lot of noise around the importance of managing the risks around contingent worker non-compliance and contingent workforce costs. Yet there is […]

Why employer branding should be part of your RPO.

Most RPO companies refuse to talk about employer branding. Introduction For many Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) providers, employer branding is a taboo subject. They would prefer to build their own relationships with candidates. In contrast to encouraging an organisation to reach out to candidates and build awareness directly through their own employer brand. The danger, […]

How important is it to build your employer brand today?

The answer of building an employer brand is more important than ever, and here’s why: Globally, the talent market is in a unique situation. Companies are continuing to streamline their internal teams, embrace outsourcing and navigate the realities of a gig economy. There are pockets of talent ready to work – but they can’t find […]

Next-generation MSPs can transform talent management.

Talent management has transformed over time. Are we on the edge of a total talent revolution? Introduction Talk of total talent management has been around for a number of years. But not every organisation has been able to put it into practice successfully. Historically, talent – especially contingent talent – has been sourced, recruited and […]

Why you should be considering outsourcing recruitment.

By outsourcing recruitment, organisations benefit from expertise that offers valuable market insight and talent intelligence, to facilitate informed decision making. Introduction How do you build the business case to outsource recruitment? Outsourcing recruitment is a decision many organisations are reluctant to take until they have tried other avenues. Also, it is still a significant cost […]

How are we minimising the candidate drop-off rate?

In the competitive recruitment landscape, minimising the candidate drop-off rate is paramount. Join us as we explore how detailed job descriptions, transparent timelines, and personalised feedback help us streamline the recruitment process and ensure a seamless journey for candidates and employers alike. Introduction Candidate drop-off refers to individuals who initially showed interest in a job […]

How are we implementing AI in recruitment?

From streamlined candidate sourcing to predictive analytics, the possibilities for AI in recruitment are transformative. We’ve implemented developing technology into our recruitment services to offer unprecedented efficiency, accuracy and insight throughout the hiring process. Introduction The capabilities of AI are endless. New technologies are becoming seamlessly integrated into our daily lives, to reshape individuals’ as […]
