What does the next generation of contingent workers look like?

Direct Sourcing Will Improve Your Contingent Workforce Solution

Employee Value Proposition

Talent Attraction

What does the next generation of contingent workers look like?

Introduction With the contingent workforce projected to grow by 53% over the next year, we take a deep dive into what organisations can expect from the next generation of contingent workers. The market for contingent workers continues to evolve rapidly resulting in contingent workforce solutions having to be more agile. But what are the big […]

Direct Sourcing Will Improve Your Contingent Workforce Solution

Introduction The pandemic and the emergence of new technologies have accelerated the need for your contingent workforce solution to evolve. Employers must expand the tools used to attract and engage contingent talent. We’ll take a more detailed look at how employers can build their direct sourcing capability and, at the same time, reduce costs and […]

Employee Value Proposition

In a previous blog post, we defined Employee Value Proposition (EVP) as ‘the sum of all the things an employer offers to attract or retain talent.’ We explained that it’s more than the typical benefits of a position like salary, bonus, perks etc. This time, we’re going to learn how EVPs help a business, what […]

Talent Attraction

What is Talent Attraction? Talent attraction is the ability of a business to attract the right talent to the business. There are a number of methods that companies use to achieve this. Below are some examples of the tools you can use to improve your ability to attract the best talent. EVP Employee Value Proposition […]
