RPO recruitment

RPO, in-house and embedded recruitment

RPO and in-house recruitment: What’s the difference?

In-House Recruitment Awards

RPO recruitment

What is RPO? RPO is the abbreviation for Recruitment Process Outsourcing. Simply put, RPO is when you use an external provider for parts of your recruitment. This means handing over parts of, or all of your recruitment processes to a third party. It is typically a more efficient method of recruitment than others. The providers […]

RPO, in-house and embedded recruitment

Which type of recruitment is best for your organisation? There are several an organisation can choose from – we’re going to focus on Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO), In-house and Embedded Recruitment. Embedded recruitment: Embedded recruitment is where recruiters are placed within an organisation to represent them effectively in the talent market. As a process, it’s […]

RPO and in-house recruitment: What’s the difference?

When scaling your business, you will eventually reach a point at which your recruitment system isn’t enough to fulfil your sudden growing need for more people. At that point, you reach a junction in the road. Do you… Expand your in-house recruitment team? Work with an RPO provider? Well, firstly, let’s explain the difference between […]

In-House Recruitment Awards

We’re delighted to announce we have been nominated for no less than 5 awards at the In-House Recruitment Awards. The awards are proudly hosted by The In-house Recruitment Network which is the fastest growing community for In-house Recruiters and HR professionals in the industry. 2017 marks the 6th year of the awards ceremony which gives […]
